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♛ The White Queen

Thank you so much for showing interest in Shoshan the Ibizan hound! Please bear in mind that this role play  character sheet is for out of character use only; unless otherwise noted, of course. Below is a basic layout of what to expect and what is consented to with no questions. Usually, if Shoshan is online and placed within in character locations, it is safe to assume I am both open for role play and she is physically present in that setting. So go right on ahead and shoot a post or whisper!





Shoshan the Persian Ibizan

Persian blush, Lily of Egypt

Author's Notes

Good thoughts,

Good words,

and Good Deeds

Author's Notes

Got some questions about dear Shoshan? Or perhaps the origins of her design? Whatever your question might be in regards to this character, please always feel free to ask away! If it's something important, you'll find your question here later for others to be able to look back on, too. So please, go ahead and grill me!

  • What are you looking for for Shoshan?
    Corruption. Further training. Active rental and servitude play. She is dynamic! Shoshan is designed to change with her world, adapt, and grow. I would like for her to do so in role play. She is a malleable young bitch that is not in any way as perfect as she presents; prey on this. Humble the hound and break her of her beliefs, she needs to continue to evolve and change. She was not created to be locked away behind doors as a sex-pet; but to serve the world and make her owner a common household name. Purpose.

  • What kind of roles do you want for her?
    I would love to see her actively serving both house of her owner and the public. She is a servant, trained to be presentable. Present her as however is seen fit, but her ultimate Role is to serve the whims of others. I will never play her as anything more than a servant.

  • Is she lesbian?
    No, she is pansexual - gender means about as much to her as currency does - nothing. On this note as well, Shoshan is only adequately trained to give pleasure to others; not receive it. This does not automatically mean that she's going to blow your character. Shoshan is bound to obey her owner(s) first and foremost, it would be bad manners to accidentally make them sick because she couldn't keep her legs or mouth closed.

  • Is she virgin?
    She was. She isn't now. She prays extensively for her sin.

  • Why an Ibizan Hound?
    The inspiration is actually from a dear friend that has long since retired from roleplay. The Ibizan hound is not a Persian or Egyptian breed, mine happens to be Persian. But they're Italian bred sight hounds. This is the only dog that will seemingly blush when they're excited. I chose her breed to contrast the influx of Anubians that continues to sweep the role play world. While the idea of "jackals" being Egyptian Anubis hounds, this is wholly untrue. It was the Pharaoh hounds that the Egyptians "worshiped" in a sense. Only the kings could keep that breed of dog. Essentially, the Ibizan became the poor-man's Pharaoh hound. Ibizan hounds can only come in three varieties; red, white, or red on white. They can only have deep orange eyes or gold eyes. And their noses are either red or pink. So I chose the hound specifically to compliment her name's meaning; Lily. Lillie's are, surprise, white.

  • Why zoroastrianism?
    This is a long misunderstood religion that isn't a common one by any stretch. It's also very peaceful, making for a beautiful backstory for her to keep without needless violence. She's been kidnapped, sold, and stolen - but through it all, she stands by her beliefs of do good and good will come to you. This is also a religion that in some sects incorporate fire through Fire Temples. It does have varieties. So it's best to be careful. But most of the Zoroastrian people are not only peaceful, but respectful. Watching without passing judgement. I chose it to better understand it, and hopefully teach others the beauty of peacefulness in these trying times.

  • Why Persian? Why not Italian like the breeds base?
    Actually, it was a toss up between Persian and Syrian. I decided on Persian because of how close to Egyptians they were. Actually Persia was once Egypt. And eventually, the two divided. So she is still considered Egyptian, but not quite. As a truce, because Persia and Egypt warred, she was given to serve the boy king. And while it's not in history, it would be a more believable scenario given the actual history of the two countries.


About Shoshan

Mistress, pregnant, and priestess; 

Second wife to Marvosophis King Cayden Dietrich

Mind, Body, and Soul


text text text text20text


Slave Papers
Full Name


Name on Identification






Sub Species/Breed


Physical  Appearance

Body Type


Physical Details


Physical Markings

Physical Drawbacks

Current Infliction(s)

Physical Defenses

Appealing Attributes




Other Items


Feral or Cultured





How do they present themselves


Feelings towards being owned / rented


Overall Attitude




Hobbies / Interests


High or Low Maintenance


Diet / Allergies



Language(s) Spoken


Can they Read / Write


Can they produce magic

Talents / Skills











Current Owner


Previous Owners


Previous Usage(s)



Previous status


For Rent or to Own






Slave or Sho

"Lotus Jewel"





Canis Familiarias



Ibizan Hound




Long and Slender


Three feet worth of hair;
Purely white from top to bottom;
Gold eyes;
Slender body;
Stands at Five Feet and Nine inches. (Not including four inches of ears)



Iron Pattee [i]burn brand on the back of right shoulder[/i]. -Marvosophis; Cayden



None to Record.


None to Record.

Teeth & Nails


Pure bred Ibizan hound into slavery,
Unblemished pure white,
Extensive training

Gorean cashmere
Slave bells about ankles
Gold threads in hair








Very Cultured




Stockholm's Syndrome


Soft spoken, graceful, and desperately obedient.

This is the only life she knows and wouldn't have it any other way.




Shoshan presents herself as stiffly proper, difficult to fluster and inexcusably oblivious to innuendos. It pains her to think of being unowned for any length of time, and the notion of failure makes her uneasy. She is pleasant at heart, though, with some sense of humour to speak of. She is inherently shy when asked of her sexuality and of her religious views. It is believed she is a follower of Zoroastrianism which might have been taught to her young during her youth as the pharaoh's priestess.




Views her body as a temple and will not 'defile' it with drug or excess alcohol.
The only breed to be known to Blush when excited.
       - Ibizan hounds blush points are their noses, inner ears, throats and chests. They do not cheek blush or body blush. They blush when they are startled, scared, excited, and happy.




Low Maintenance under the right hand




No Known Allergies outside sensitive skin to sunlight; prone to sunburn.
Diet consists of water, heavy meats and some fruits and vegetables.








Arabic (Egyptian Dialect)[, Common (Minus some common "sayings")






Arabic / Arabic
Not yet in Common









Kitchen Savvy
Child Care



Gorean Training
Victorian Training
Harem Training
Field Medic [i](Herbalist)[/i]
Madame [i](Harem Mistress)[/i]
Belly Dancing [i](Hindi and Egyptian)[/i]
Governess (Surrogate Parent)[/i]




Marvosophis King; Cayden







Many [i]NPC'd[/i]





Hand Maiden
Harem Madame
Jewel for bargaining


Harem Madame



Rentals only




30 Gold to Rent
300 Gold to Own


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